Here’s a bunch of different pictures, as well as a couple of videos.
We planted over 200 Iris’ a few weeks ago. A few of them had buds on & this is what they looked like.
The lilacs are in bloom. There aren’t a lot of flowers this year. This one, stood out from all of the rest. It normally is purple, with with around the edges. It’s the only flower on the tree that looks the way it does.
Chance doing what she does best.
Here she is, just standing around sniffing the air & listening to the birds sing.
Eating kibbles.
Another pink sky
You just gotta love the sunsets.
Now, for a couple of videos.
Here’s Chance, just standing around in her kennel, listening to the birds.
On May 24th, Victoria Day evening, we had a thunderstorm. This was taken at about 11pm. The storm was just getting started. I went outside to take some video. This is one of 4 different videos that I took.
That’s all for now. All is well here. Enjoy the videos, pictures, as well as the nice weather.
Your pink sunsets are soooooo cool! Love seeing Chance in action. I can't believe you planted 200! I wouldn't be able to stand up after that!
Marianne: Actually, Marty did the planting. I removed all the grass roots from them. We were both a bit sore after that day. I'm glad that you enjoyed the pictures & videos.
ReplyDeleteI love miscellaneous bunches of stuff, especially if half of them are smell good-purple and the rest are a brown/black, furry and loveable Chance --caboosed by skies like fuschia, of course! Hmm, Miscellaneous Bunches of Stuff... Sounds like a new Post cereal! And what a coincidence: I'm having your blog entry for breakfast! After that, I think I'll relax and do what Chance does: just stand around sniffing the air as I listen to the birds sing! Chance is definitely inspirational. She knows her medicine and when to take it! LOL!
ReplyDeleteP.S. RATS! Unfortunately, the videos aren't coming through on my end.
ReplyDeleteSparkle: Perhaps you need to update your flash player. Try my youtube page instead.
You were right, updating did the trick! (Thanks!) It's always fun to see Chance in action and boy, oh, boy! --> What a storm!
ReplyDeleteSparkle: The storm got worse after the video was taken. We've gotten so much rain over this past weekend, that we're almost ready to use Noah's ark. lol Glad you enjoyed the videos.