Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time for another Chance moment

Seeing that it’s a long weekend here & we’re not doing anything out of the normal.  It’s time for another Chance moment. 

1st I’ll re-embed the video of her running & digging in her kennel.  This is for anybody who missed it the previous time.


Now, here are the latest few pics of Chance doing what she does best.  Sleeping on her couch, snuggling with her blankie.




Thank-you for sharing this Chance moment with me.  Happy Victoria Day to all my fellow Canadians.  Happy holiday, to anybody else who has one tomorrow. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chance running & digging

Here's this weeks blog.  It’s a video of Chance running & digging in her kennel.  She had a lot of fun when I recorded her, but after not so much.  She was so busy digging, that she totally forgot about her sore toes.  Later that evening, she was limping a bit & her foot was sore.  She got an owie pill, to help with that.  She ended up having to need one for 2 nights.  All is good now, her foot isn’t so sore.  Perhaps she’ll listen next time when I tell her not to dig yet.  Enjoy the video.