Friday, November 18, 2022

Book Review - The Shattered Walls by Ulff Lehmann

 Started on October 22, 2022

All I can say is,  Holy Crap!

What a book!

It took me a couple of chapters to get into this. Mostly those were the chapters that gave a review of all that had happened in the previous books. That review was much appreciated. 

The book also has maps at the beginning. I liked that. It's always good to see what their lay of the land & where they are sort of looks like. 

The story did not slow down at it. It picks up right where the previous book ends. The pace is fast. There is rarely a slow moment. That makes the story enjoyable. 

One of the most interesting parts of the book, at least to me, was when we learned more about Drangar's birth and his father Darlonter. No wonder they're both a bit fucked up. I would be too, if I went through what they did.

There's also a bit of comedy though out the book. Every time somebody said, "Fuck me" and was answered by "Maybe later" I gave a silent chuckle. A bit of comedy is such intense situations is always a good thing.

The only slow part of the book was when Lloreanthoran went back home to the elves. A lot of detail as to how that part of his world changed. I didn't mind the slow parts, it gave a bit of a break from all that intensity.

The ending! OMG! We ended on a cliffhanger. Did that just happen to Drangar?! How long until we find out? 

I look forward to the final book in this series, as I really enjoyed this book.

Oh & this cover. It's wonderful.