Well, it’s now July. It’s already been a busy month. 1st, there was Canada Day. We didn’t do much that day. Next, came our 18th wedding anniversary on July 4th. We had a BBQ on the 3rd with family & friends. On the Sunday, the 4th, we went out for supper, just the 2 of us. I’ve rebuilt a computer this month, already & brought it back to its home. It’s working well now. We’ve had so much rain, that now there are tons of mosquitoes.
Chance update:
Chance hasn’t been feeling quite like herself this past week. Her tummy has been a bit “off” I think that now, she’s starting to feel like herself again.
Here’s some new pictures of Chance.
Here she is, lying on the bed. She didn’t want to get off either.
Here she is, in her kennel, playing with a soccer ball. She had a lot of fun with that ball.
This picture was taken from above her. She’s lying on her back. She was really comfy.
My Flowers:
I’ve got a lot of flowers that are in bloom right now. Here are some pictures of them.
A peony
Another peony, with raindrops on
A lady slipper. This was growing wild in the back yard.
Another peony.
Not sure what this is, we were given it. It looks pretty when it’s in bloom.
A yellow flowering bush.
A lily
A white tiger lily
A yellow lily
A bunch of white tiger lilies
A bunch of the yellow lilies.
A visitor:
We had a visitor one warm afternoon.
This young buck found a nice shady tree to lie under. He was there for quite awhile.
Water everywhere:
We’ve had so much rain, that we’ve got water sitting where it usually doesn’t.
This waterhole is usually dry. As you can see, it’s almost full to the top. There must be at least 10’ of water in there or more.
I took a couple of videos.
The 1st one is of Chance playing with a soccer ball.
The 2nd one, is of one of the Rainstorms that we had. It shows how much rain had fallen, in a short time.
That’s all there is, for now. Enjoy.