The past few days have been quite interesting here. 1st, we finally got some summer-like weather. It’s been hitting the mid 30’s C. A little bit too warm for my liking, but at least it warmed up. With all that heat & humidity, it sparked some pretty intense thunderstorms. We’ve had lots of rain, a couple of inches in 2 days; lots of thunder, lightning & even some hail. Let’s not forget about the winds too.
Other than heat & storms, things have been good here. Chance has finally lost all of her nails, so not her feets aren’t so sore anymore. That’s always a good thing. She’s been eating, sleeping & playing with her toys. All is good with her now.
Now, here are a whole bunch of new random pics.
Here’s Chance, lying down with her new stuffy
Same picture, different angle. She was almost asleep here.
Now, here she is lying on her couch, cuddling that stuffy.
This is one of my lilies.
Here is a white/cream coloured Tiger Lily.
This was taken just before a storm.
Same storm day, just a little bit different part of the sky.
A pink sky sunset
Another pic of it.
My mom’s lilies in an old tire.
A bunch of white Tiger Lilies.
I finally figured out the setting to take a picture at night time of the moon. I thought it looked really interesting, as it was rising.
That’s all of the new pictures that I’ve got right now. I’m hoping that if we get a daytime thunderstorm, I’ll be able to actually video the sky. That’s my goal right now. Have a good weekend everybody.