Here are some random pictures & a video of Chance.
Here’s Chance, all curled up, relaxing on her couch.
A close up shot of her on her couch. Very relaxed.
Here’s a couple of kittens from this spring. They’re quite wild & run when they see you.
Here’s that same little orange kitten, peeking around a corner.
The clouds looked neat. Reminded me of a quarter moon shape. This was taken at about 9:30pm.
Same evening, just a different part of the sky. I do believe that it did start to rain a little bit after I took these.
My peonies are starting to bloom.
Another pic of the peonies.
A nice close up shot.
Coming into our yard.
The pot of flowers with a solar light in the middle. The other side of the driveway is the same. Don’t look too close, the flowers aren’t real. We used silk ones for this year.
And last, a new pic of Chance. Here she is just standing & looking. Not exactly sure what she’s looking at, though. Still a nice pic of her.
Last of all….a new video of Chance in her kennel.
That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoyed everything. Have a good weekend.