Here are some pictures to end off the week. The 1st 2 are of a deer that was by my mother in law’s house. It’s beside the 2nd oak tree. The pictures were taken at about 200-300 feet from where I was standing.
She was looking right at me.
Here, she’s starting to leave. She didn’t like the sound of the camera or maybe it was me standing there looking at her.
The next 2 pictures are of Chance. We’ve got to have some Chance pics in every blog!!! We had bought her her own blanket, so that she can bury her nose in it when she sleeps. She really enjoys doing that!
Here, she’s more interested in checking out her nails.
Here she is, just relaxing all nice & cozy warm under her new blanket. So comfy….
That’s all for this week. Enjoy the pictures & have a good weekend. Hopefully, the weather will be nice.