Saturday, February 15, 2025



For the mess that's going on right now in the USA. 


To every single soldier who fought in WWII. These men and women fought for you, so that you could be free today. You let them down.


For letting history repeat itself by electing a fascist back into power.


For threatening your closest allies with annexation. The ones who came to your aid, during your times of need. 


For damaging a decades long friendship between the two nations. We will always be neighbours, but may never be friends again.


To every man, woman and child that had their rights taken away from them. 


For all the upcoming dark times. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but right now, it's very far away.





Monday, February 10, 2025

Book Review: Planetside by Michael Mammay

 Excellent book. Fast paced. Great characters and character development. Great world building too. Great mystery set in a science fiction setting. The story kept me reading. It never slowed down. The mystery part solved in the end. 

This was the first time reading anything from this author. It was a great decision to read this book. I will keep reading the series. It's worth it to see where these characters will go from here. 

The cover is really good too. 

A shorter review of this book is also posted on Goodreads.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Book Review - Darkblade: Assassin by Andy Peloquin

Where to start with this review....First off, it took me way too long to read, my bad. This book is definitely a 5 star book. 

This book starts off with a bang. There is a lot of action right at the beginning. You'd think that it would slow down, right? Wrong! It continued throughout the entire book. This was a bloody book. It started off bloody, got bloody in the middle and continued to be bloody until the end. 

Let's talk about the character and the world building. The main character is known as The Hunter. That's all. Is he a good guy? Is he bad? I'm not saying. Let's just say that he does a lot that leads it to being so bloody. The other characters are all well thought out. You also have the ones that you can't stand and tend to hate hate by the end. 

The world building is equally well done. Here, it's known as Einan. Taking place in a city called Voramis. The way the world build has been done, you feel like you're actually in the city with The Hunter, doing the things he does. You can almost see the city's sites and smell its smells. This to me, is well done. 

So much happens throughout the story, that when climax happens, you almost tend to forget to take a breath. Will our main character be ok? Will he be a hero? Does he get his vengeance or redemption? Well, I won't say if he does or doesn't. Read the book. 

So, what else is there to say? Am I looking forward to reading more about The Hunter? Yes. Definitely, yes. I hope that all the rest of the books in the series are like this. 

One final thought...the cover is great too. 


Monday, April 1, 2024

Book Review - Death Comes Too Late by Charles Ardai

 This book took me way too long to finish. That's all on me. My bad.

Death Comes Too Late by Charles Ardai is a collection of 20 short stories. All the stories, I feel, are connected in a way. Death. At times, even karma. 

The stories are all well written. Some being longer than others. Some I enjoyed, some not as much. I'm also not a fan of short stories. 

Thanks to Hard Case Crime for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. Also, I love the cover. The Hard Case Crime books always have great covers. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Book Review - The Crew by Sadir S. Samir

 So, where to start. How about the good and the not so good?

The good: fast paced, likeable characters, good story, intense climax, satisfying ending

The not so good: main character a bit childish

I did enjoy this book. The story was fast paced. As you can see, the good outweighed the not so good. The climax  was intense. Lots of action. The ending, was oh so satisfying. We got a bit of a happy ending. Yay! A rare thing is a fantasy. 

Extra good, the main character changed from what he was like at the beginning. I was glad to see him growing up & not being so childish. 

I'll give the book 4 *'s. It earned it. It took me a lot longer to read than it should have. That is on me. My bad. The last half of the book moved faster than the first half, making me want to read it more. 

Should you read this book? Yes. If you want to be entertained, you should definitely read this. You'll enjoy it. Oh & the cover. It's great. I always seem to enjoy a book that has a great cover.

Thanks to the author for a copy of it. Much appreciated. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Book Review - The Big Bundle by Max Allan Collins

 I give this book 3.5 *'s. Why? It started off with a fast pace. The story was good, with good characters. What I didn't know was that this book was loosely based on some factual events. That's fine and all.  I don't mind a good historical fiction. 

What I didn't enjoy was the second half of the book. I found it a bit slow. The story lost is fast pacing. It seemed like it was dragging. I struggled to continue reading it. 

I'm glad I did finish it. Overall, I did  enjoy the story. Will I read more from Nate Heller? Not sure on that. Maybe, maybe not. I do still enjoy the Hard Case Crime books. Every so often, I do read one that I do not enjoy one. 

I thank Hard Case Crime for the opportunity again to read an ARC. I do hope that I get more of those. 

If you like Nate Heller, you'll enjoy this one. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Book Review - The Shattered Walls by Ulff Lehmann

 Started on October 22, 2022

All I can say is,  Holy Crap!

What a book!

It took me a couple of chapters to get into this. Mostly those were the chapters that gave a review of all that had happened in the previous books. That review was much appreciated. 

The book also has maps at the beginning. I liked that. It's always good to see what their lay of the land & where they are sort of looks like. 

The story did not slow down at it. It picks up right where the previous book ends. The pace is fast. There is rarely a slow moment. That makes the story enjoyable. 

One of the most interesting parts of the book, at least to me, was when we learned more about Drangar's birth and his father Darlonter. No wonder they're both a bit fucked up. I would be too, if I went through what they did.

There's also a bit of comedy though out the book. Every time somebody said, "Fuck me" and was answered by "Maybe later" I gave a silent chuckle. A bit of comedy is such intense situations is always a good thing.

The only slow part of the book was when Lloreanthoran went back home to the elves. A lot of detail as to how that part of his world changed. I didn't mind the slow parts, it gave a bit of a break from all that intensity.

The ending! OMG! We ended on a cliffhanger. Did that just happen to Drangar?! How long until we find out? 

I look forward to the final book in this series, as I really enjoyed this book.

Oh & this cover. It's wonderful.